05 Jul Commercial electric sign refurbish, led retrofit, and face replacement on Long Beach Island
Here’s a nice shot of a beautiful 7′ x 6′ double sided illuminated to sign cabinet for Bistro 14 in Beach Haven on Long Beach Island. Typestries Ocean County commercial sign service removed this sign using our bucket truck, brought the sign back to our shop, cleaned, prepped, and painted the cabinets along with welding some new reinforcing steel into place.
We then designed and installed a double-sided LED illumination retrofit kit which completely removes the previous fluorescent lighting of the sign which was Dull, dim, and inconsistent
Finally, we fabricated new poly carbonate sign faces with translucent vinyl graphics. We assembled the inspire sign in our shop transport it to Bay Village in Beach Haven and reinstalled it using our bucket truck.
This sign is now successfully marketing the fine restaurant Bistro 14 and will continue to do so for many years to come.